Hydria (Water Jar), about 515-500 BCE
Ancient Greek
Rabbit Warren at Pontoise, Snow, 1879
Camille Pissarro
A Stagecoach, 1818
Horace Vernet
Tableau Vert, 1952
Ellsworth Kelly
Vessel in the Shape of a Bird, 100 BCE–500 CE
Untitled, 1963
Enrico Sarsini
Portrait of Napoleon III (1808–1873), Emperor, 19th century
Marc-Laurent Bruyas
Lamp in Petit Montrouge, 1950
Todd Webb
Drypoint Number Five: Portrait, 1909
Donald Shaw MacLaughlan
A1: Massachusetts Living Room and Kitchen, 1675-1700, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Tureen, 1810/20
Creil Pottery
A14: Pennsylvania Drawing Room, 1834-36, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Untitled [Pebbles on Sand], 1940/62
Howard Dearstyne
The Dunes, Indiana, 1963
Robert Earl Wilson
Mastoid (Drinking Cup), 500-480 BCE
Leafless Group
Side Panel of a Sarcophagus, First half of the 3rd century
Ancient Roman
The Obelisk, 1787
Hubert Robert
Jar with Relief of Standing Figure with Crescent Headdress, Holding Ritual Objects, 1200–1450
Court House Studies, Interior Perspective Study, c. 1931–1938
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe