Peter Isbrandi, c. 1649-58
Cornelis Visscher
The Watermill with the Great Red Roof, c. 1665
Meindert Hobbema
Uchikake (Over Kimono), late Edo (1789–1868)/Meiji period (1868–1912), 19th century
E-29: English Roman Catholic Church in the Gothic Style, 1275-1300, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Seen in a Mirror (Self-Portrait), 1933
John Copley
Incense Burner in the Form of a Duck, Song dynasty (960–1279), 12th century
Les Propos de Thomas Vireloque: Misere et corde - first speech, then..., 1852–53
Paul Gavarni
E-28: German Sitting Room of the Biedermeier Period, 1815-50, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Untitled [Broken Glass], 1940/62
Howard Dearstyne
Portrait of a Man Wearing an Ivy Wreath, Roman Period, early to mid–2nd century
Ancient Egyptian
Kantharos (Wine Cup), 300-275 BCE
Ancient Greek
E-30: Chinese Interior, Traditional, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Composition (No. 1) Gray-Red, 1935
Piet Mondrian
A17: Pennsylvania Kitchen, 1752, c. 1940
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
A Chemist Lifting with Extreme Precaution the Cuticle of a Grand Piano, 1936
Salvador Dalí
E-3: English Reception Room of the Jacobean Period, 1625-55, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Lisa Lyon, Joshua Tree, 1980
Robert Mapplethorpe
Buddhist Votive Stele, Western Wei dynasty (A.D. 535–557), dated A.D. 551
Dress for Christ Child, 18th century
E-17: French Bedroom, Late 16th Century, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne