Odawara, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)", c. 1806
Katsushika Hokusai
Helmet Mask (Sowei), Early to mid-20th century
Armchair, c. 1885
A. H. Davenport & Company
Pendant Depicting Apollo, 2nd-1st century BCE
Ancient Greek
The Poet, 1940
Hans Hofmann
Two Japanese Wrestlers by a Sink, 1983/87
Lucian Freud
Music Stand, 1964
Wendell Castle
Commemorative Container (Abusua Kuruwa), Late 19th/early 20th century
Max Herrmann-Neisse, 1913
Ludwig Meidner
"Belmead" Center table, c. 1846
Alexander Roux
Pat Hearn, 1985
Andy Warhol
YO + U, 1949
Mastoid (Drinking Cup) with Handles, 500-480 BCE
Ancient Greek
Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley, 1968
Barnett Newman
Korean Embassy Parade, 1682
Hishikawa Moronobu
Double-Flowered Cherry: Motoura of the Minami Yamasakiya (Minami Yamasakiya uchi Motoura, Yaezakura), from the series "Beauties of the Floating World Compared to Flowers (Ukiyo bijin hana ni yosu)", c. 1768/1769