860-880 North Lake Shore Drive, Miscellaneous Interior Details, 3/4/1950
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Untitled Sketches for Furniture, c. 1993
Frank O. Gehry
Plate 35 from Plan of Chicago 1909: Chicago, and Diagram of Lake Michigan. Proposed Roadway to connect all the towns along the shores of the Lake., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Wrigley Building: Finial (original), 1919/22
Graham, Anderson, Probst and White
The Coffee House, Winter 1905–6
Alson Skinner Clark
Five Principles for Greenwich South: A Model for Lower Manhattan animation, 2009
Architecture Research Office
Farmers and Merchants Union Bank, Columbus, Wisconsin, Elevation, 1919
Louis H. Sullivan
Plate 80 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Diagram of City Center, Showing the Proposed Arrangement of Railroad Passenger Stations, the Complete Traction System, Including Rapid Transit, Subway, and Elevated Roads, and the Circuit Subway Line., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
860–880 North Lake Shore Drive, 26th Floor and Roof, Plumbing and Ventilation Inst. Riser Diagram, 11/22/1949