Madonna and Child with Four Saints, 1936
Allan Rohan Crite
Track in Station, c. 1965
Ernest Cole
Untitled #3, from the series "The Bar", 1979/89
Larry Chatman
Invisible Woman III, 2006
Sabelo Mlangeni
For Your Names You Took Hope and Humble, 1995
Carrie Mae Weems
Sad Man on Dance Floor, from the series "The Bar", 1979/89
Larry Chatman
"Strips" Quilt, 1980s
Gearldine Westbrook
Child's Tunic, 19th century
Composition in Green, 1953
Norman Lewis
Green Bough, 1951
Norman Lewis
Art Towards Social Development, 1982
Thamsanqa (Thami) Mnyele
Malcolm X Holding up Black Muslim Newspaper, Los Angeles, California, May 8, 1963
Gordon Parks
falling event 1, 2014
Kemang Wa Lehulere
Dance Composition No. 34, 1980s
Eldzier Cortor
Alligator, Mississippi, 1971/86
Birney Imes, III
Water Container, Early/mid–20th century
Baltimore Oriol., n.d.
Joseph Yoakum
Act I, Scene 2, from UBU Tells the Truth, 1996–97
William Kentridge
Untitled, 1995
Lorna Simpson
Con brio, 1983
Keith Morrison