Peach Blossom Spring (after Shao Zhenxian), 1723 - 1776
Ikeno Taiga 池大雅
Pines on Mount Tai (after Gao Qian [after Tang Yin]), 1723 - 1776
Ikeno Taiga 池大雅
Relief Sculpture of the Birth of Buddha
Rooster Pendant with Four-Spiked Comb
Standing Bodhisattva
Art Theory Text with Sketch; verso: Text with Sketch, 1892 - 1964
Stuart Davis
Text of the Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari), 1579 - 1638
Attributed to Karasumaru Mitsuhiro
Manuscript of the Qur’an, with lacquer binding
A Manuscript of Zad al-Ma'ad by 'Allamah Majlesi
President William Green (1873-1952) of the AF of L, Secretary of the Treasury Thomas Kennedy, and John Llewellyn Lewis (1880-1969) of the UMW at the 31st Constitutional Convention of the UMW, Indianapolis, Indiana, Created 1846
Associated Press
[James Riddle] Hoffa (1913-?1975) Leads His Army with Banners
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (portrait of artist's mother, left page); Untitled (sailor smoking pipe, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Painting with Text (recto), Text (verso), folio 24 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Painting with Text (recto), Text (verso), folio 26 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Painting with Text (recto), Text (verso), folio 23 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Text (recto), Painting with Text (verso), folio 36 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Text folio (text recto; text verso of folio 4), from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami