Members of the Executive Council of the AFL as They Arrived at the White House, Created 1846
Associated Press
At the White House to Urge Extension of the NRA, left to right: William Green (1873-1952), Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins (1880-1965), and John Llewellyn Lewis (1880-1969) of the UMW, Created 1846
Associated Press
Portrait of a Man Holding a Sword, 1662 - 1747
Willem van Mieris
Buzurgmihr Counsels Anushirvan (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Double page: The Death of Luhrasp in Battle against the Forces of Arjasp (text, recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
The Death of Luhrasp in Battle against the Forces of Arjasp (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Newly Elected President of the International Teamsters Union, [James Riddle] Hoffa (1913-?1975), 20th century
United Press
Portrait of the Greek Orator Demosthenes
Text of the Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari), 1579 - 1638
Attributed to Karasumaru Mitsuhiro
Text (recto), Mount Nur (painting with text, verso), folio 25 from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 6) from a manuscript of prayers
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 30) from a manuscript of prayer
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 72) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 97) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 98) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami
Text folio (text recto, text verso of folio 132) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami