The Death of Antiochus after his Fall, 1711 - 1781
Noël Hallé
The Felix Meritis Society: The Drawing Studio, 1741 - 1816
Reinier Vinkeles
Untitled (blank, left page); Untitled (adhered photocopies of design for Museum of History and Technology in DC, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
The Reward of Cruelty, 1697 - 1764
William Hogarth
Cretan Decree
Illustrated Liturgical Manuscript in the Pali Language Written in Mon Script, with Illustrations of the Ten Jatakas and Vessantara Jataka
Stamp with Greek Inscription
Stamp of Septimius Priscus
Text folio with illuminated margin and illuminated sarlawh (text recto, sarlawh verso of folio 4) from a manuscript of prayer
Text folio with the colophon (text recto; blank verso of folio 69), from a manuscript of the Ruba‘yyat by ‘Umar Khayyam
Mihras, the Envoy of Ceasar, Offers Nushirvan the Treasure of Rum (text, recto; painting and text, verso), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama of Firdawsi.
The Lovers are Reunited under the Tent (painting with text, recto; text, verso of folio 110) illustrated folio from a Manuscript of Layla and Majnun by Hamdi
Illustrated Manuscript of the Zafarnama (Book of Conquest) by Hatifi; with lacquer binding
Manuscript of the Tuhfat al-Ahrar (The Gift to the Noble) by Jami
Shapur with the Daughter of Mihrak (text, recto; painting, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Isfandiyar Captures Gurgsar in Combat (text, recto; painting, verso), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Landscape with Peasants and a Washerwoman, 1610 - 1690
David Teniers II
Invitation to a Ball, 1715 - 1790
Charles-Nicolas Cochin le jeune
Illustrated Compendium of Loyal Persons (Sok Sam-kang Haeng-sil To)
Afrasiyab and Siyavush Embrace (painting, recto; text, verso), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi