High Priest Refusing the Offer of Joachim, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Triumph of the Elect, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Crucifixion, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Effect of the Sixth Trumpet: The Unloosing of the Angels of the Euphrates, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Title Page: Man of Sorrows:, 1587 - 1644
Johann Mommard
A Starling
Master of the Arundel Sketchbook
dip, 1918 - 1986
Corita Kent (Sister Mary Corita)
in memory of rfk, 1918 - 1986
Corita Kent (Sister Mary Corita)
National Almanac, Dedicated to Friends of the Constitution, 1755 - 1832
Philibert-Louis Debucourt
Epitaph of C. Curiatius Caecilius Clementianus
Stamped Amphora Handle
Brick Stamp of the Two Lesagori
Brick Stamp from the Platanian Brickyards
Small, Steep-Sided Bowl with Lightly Flaring Lip and Decoration of Fish Swimming in Rolling Waves around a Dragon
Small Circular, Conical Bowl with Notched Rim
Buddhist Triad: Amitabha Buddha Seated on a Lotus Throne with His Hands Held in the 'Bhŭmisparsa-mudrâ' and Flanked by Two Standing Bodhisattvas, Presumably Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta
Foliate Cup Stand with Notched Rim and Reticulated Cup Receptacle