Coconut Tree (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 87 from Illustrated Manuscript of Tarjama-i Tarikh-i Yangi Dunya (Translation of the History of the New World)
Majnun and Layla Embracing Surrounded by Wild Animals (painting, verso), Text (recto), illustrated folio (70) from a Manuscript of the Khamsa by Amir Khusraw of Delhi (d. 1325)
Parrots and Turkey (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 6 from Illustrated Manuscript of Tarjama-i Tarikh-i Yangi Dunya (Translation of the History of the New World)
Cactus and Reeds (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 89 from Illustrated Manuscript of Tarjama-i Tarikh-i Yangi Dunya (Translation of the History of the New World)
Mahan confronted by demons finds his horse transformed into a seven-headed dragon (text recto; painting verso of folio 224), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (text above bleed-through of red candlestick designs, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Portrait of R. P. Spiers, Architect, 1848 - 1917
Edouard Lanteri
Illustrated Manuscript of Layla and Majnun by Nizami
Illustrated Manuscript of the Kulliyat (Complete Works) of Sa'di
Road toward the Farm Saint-Siméon, Honfleur, 1840 - 1926
Claude Monet
Fragments of a Hanging: St. Theodore and Inscription
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), 1779 - 1843
Washington Allston
Calling, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Two East Indian Birds, 1648 - 1727
Johannes Bronckhorst
The White Horse Tavern, 1791 - 1824
Théodore Géricault
Le Stryge, 1821 - 1868
Charles Meryon
Albert of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mayence, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Duchess of Devonshire and Her Child, 1762 - 1842
George Keating
A Peep into the Cave of Jacobinism, 1757 - 1815
James Gillray
A King Performing a Ritual (painting, recto; painting, verso), illustration from a Ramayana series