"Then a spirit passed before my face,", 1757 - 1827
William Blake
"The just, upright man is laughed to scorn,", 1757 - 1827
William Blake
Neue Versuche und Muster das Pflanzenreich zum Papiermachen und andern Sachen wirthschaftsnützlich zu gebrauchen (New Experiments and Samples of Paper Made without Rags or at Least a Small Addition of Those Materials) (vol. 2), 1718 - 1790
Jacob Christian Schäffer
Neue Versuche und Muster das Pflanzenreich zum Papiermachen und andern Sachen wirthschaftsnützlich zu gebrauchen (New Experiments and Samples of Paper Made without Rags or at Least a Small Addition of Those Materials) (vol. 5), 1718 - 1790
Jacob Christian Schäffer
Umbra Vitae [author: Georg Heym], 1880 - 1938
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Mahiya frees Zambur, Beheads his sleeping guards, and suspends Gharrad in his stead (painting, verso); Nine Lines of Nasta‘liq Script (text, recto), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Hamzanama, 16th century
Attributed to Mir Sayyid ‘Ali
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps, 1766 - 1831
Giuseppe Longhi
Agony in the Garden, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Resurrection, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Birth of the Virgin, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1787, 1739 - 1797
Pietro Antonio Martini
Regarding the State of the English Nation, in the Year 1778
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (front endpaper with signature and address, left page); Untitled (portrait in profile of the artist's father, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
A Shepherdess, 1566 - 1638
Joachim Wtewael
Wolf Caught in a Trap, 1796 - 1875
Antoine Louis Barye
Text (recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Javahir al Ghara’ib Tarjomat Bahr al- `Aja’ib (Gems of Marvels: A Translation of the Sea of Wonders) by Mustafa Cenabi (Jannabi).
Mahan confronted by demons finds his horse transformed into a seven-headed dragon (text recto; painting verso of folio 224), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (text above bleed-through of red candlestick designs, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
A Prophet on a Prayer Rug (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 104 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Prophet Preaching in a Mosque (painting, verso; text, recto), folio 5 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi