Agony in the Garden, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Resurrection, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Birth of the Virgin, 1471 - 1528
Albrecht Dürer
Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1787, 1739 - 1797
Pietro Antonio Martini
Regarding the State of the English Nation, in the Year 1778
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (front endpaper with signature and address, left page); Untitled (portrait in profile of the artist's father, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Thasian Amphora Handle with Stamped Inscription
Manuscript of Khwaja ‘Abd Allah Ansari’s Advise
Ushabti belonging to an unknown ancient Egyptian person
Overseer ushabti belonging to an unknown ancient Egyptian person
Ushabti belonging to Isis (?)
Anvari Entertains in a Summer House (painting, verso; text, recto), folio 109 from a manuscript of the Divan of Anvari, 16th century
Attributed to Basawan
Ladies Witnessing Suggestive Donkeys (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 262 from a manuscript of the Divan of Anvari
Section from a Buddhist Cosmology (Nihon koku narabini Shumi shoten zu) with text copied by Monk Ryūi, active late 14th-early 15th c.
Monk Ryūyū
Set of Eight Scrolls Containing the Text of the Lotus Sutra (Miaofa Lianhua Jing), the First Scroll with Illustrated Frontispiece
Krishna Subdues the Serpent King Kaliya (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a Bhagavata Purana series
Lakshmana and Sita (text, recto; painting, verso); folio from an illustrated manuscript of the Razmnama (Persian translation of the Mahabharata)
Attributed to Fazl
Sa‘di, the Beauty, And the Beast (painting recto; text verso of folio 133), painting from a manuscript of the Kulliyat of Sa‘di
Saʿdi in A Hindu Temple (painting recto; text verso of folio 144), painting from a manuscript of the Kulliyat of Sa‘di
Layla and Majnun in a Tent (painting recto; text verso of folio 205), painting from a manuscript of the Kulliyat of Sa‘di