"Packaged House" System, 1942-1952: Duplicate of BRGA.97.28, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Recreation Center, Key West, Florida, 1941-1942: Duplicate of BRGA.96.6, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
"Packaged House" System, 1942-1952: Duplicate of BRGA.97.26, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Office Unit and Factory Building, Greensboro, North Carolina, 1944-1946: Proposed service department layout (1/8" =1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Recreation Center, Key West, Florida, 1941-1942: Duplicate of BRGA.96.3, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
"Packaged House" System, 1942-1952: Duplicate of BRGA.97.25, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Gropius Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938: Duplicate of BRGA.82.73, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Bahner Residence, Berlin, Klein-Machnow, 1933: Plumbing and drainage systems: plans, sections, and elevations, 1:100, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Villa, 1932-1933: Roof plan, 1:100, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Gropius Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938: Duplicate of BRGA.82.77, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Gropius Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938: Duplicate of BRGA.82.89, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Gropius Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938: Duplicate of BRGA.82.77, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Designs for Isokon Furniture, 1935-1936: Table: details, (1", 2", 3" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Bahner Residence, Berlin, Klein-Machnow, 1933: Gutter: detail, 1:1, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Amy Butland. Shawn Godinko, Randy Harrison, Trisha Philippe. Cambridge Adventure Day Camp., 1937 - 2020
Elsa Dorfman
Furnishing for Kass Country Residence, Berlin-Zehlendorf, 1932: Wall of lady's room: sketch of interior elevations and perspective, 1902 - 1979
Hanns Dustmann
Competition Entry for "Growing House" for "Sun, Air, and House for All" Exhibition, Berlin, 1932: Ground floor and landscape plan, 1:100, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Competition Entry for "Growing House" for "Sun, Air, and House for All" Exhibition, Berlin, 1932: Landscape plan, 1:100, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Competition Entry for "Growing House" for "Sun, Air, and House for All" Exhibition, Berlin, 1932: Ground floor and landscape plan, 1:100, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Stephanie Zilonis. Annette McCollin. Ericka Ribeiro. Lisa Milligan. Tiffany Pan., 1937 - 2020
Elsa Dorfman