The Domes, from Merced River, 1830 - 1912
Isaiah West Taber
Chinatown, San Francisco, California: The Five Idols in the Holy of Holies in the Joss Temple of Lung Gong, 1830 - 1912
Isaiah West Taber
The Three Brothers, 4,000 ft. (looking up the Valley), 1830 - 1912
Isaiah West Taber
Chief Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco/Oh-Lochta-Mico/Oh lachta mico/Oh-loch-ta Mi-co/Och-Lochta Micco/O-loc-to-mi-co), Seminole (ca. 1810-1859)
Unidentified Artist
General Tom Thumb and Party (stereograph), 1823 - 1896
Mathew B. Brady
The Fairy Wedding Party. Mr. & Mrs. Genl. Tom Thumb, Commodore Nutt, Minnie Warren (stereograph), 1823 - 1896
Mathew B. Brady
Getting Ready to Take a Picture of John Szarkowski's History of Photography Class, 1937 - 2020
Elsa Dorfman
Before Class, Some of the Many Folks in John Szarkowski's History of Photography, 1937 - 2020
Elsa Dorfman
Glacier Point, 3,300 ft., Yosemite Valley, California, 1830 - 1912
Isaiah West Taber
Olympus Cameras, born 1938
Elaine Mayes
Charity, Children: United States. New York. Pleasantville. Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society: Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, New York
Charity, Children: United States. New York. Pleasantville. Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society: Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, New York: Co-operative candy stores are maintained by both the Boys' and Girls' Republics. The Republics purchase the candy at wholesale prices and sell at a slight profit. These profits frequently amount to about $20 per month for each Republic and constitute the nucleus of the Republic treasury. (Source: Ludwig B. Bernstein; "Studies in Modern Child Caring", Ch
Wilinsky Residence, Berlin-Lichterfelde, 1928: Site plan with profile, 1:200, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Office and Factory Buildings, Cali, Colombia, 1945: Office unit: plans, elevations, details (1/8" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Office and Factory Buildings, Cali, Colombia, 1945: Foundation plans and details (1/4" =1'), active mid-20th C.
S. H.
Office and Factory Buildings, Cali, Colombia, 1945: Details, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Office and Factory Buildings, Cali, Colombia, 1945: Plot plan of plant layout and property lines (1" =50'), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Joyeux Avril
Unidentified Artist
Land Use Study for the Storrow Estate, Lincoln, Massachuesetts, 1943: Topographical plan, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Recreation Center, Key West, Florida, 1941-1942: Duplicate of BRGA.96.5, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius