Untitled (full length portrait of boy standing, labeled Arthur Dakin Smith, 3 years &1 month old. September 1898), active c. 1870s-1920s
Charles E. Smith
Untitled (full length portrait of child standing labeled Marjory Smith at 18 months old), active mid-19th to early-20th century
J. H. Reynolds
City View - Provincetown, Massachusetts Harbor, active 1883-1893
William M. Smith
Untitled (General Grant seated under tree with two unidentified men, six other unidentified men to right, three tents in background), active 1844 - 1895
? Mathew B. Brady & Studio
Untitled (unidentified woman seated doing hand work), 1845 - 1928
Baldwin Coolidge
Melanchthon [Philipp Melanchthon (born Philipp Schwartzerd) (1497-1560)] from a Painting by A. Noack, 1814-1898
Friedrich Bruckmann
Untitled (unidentified woman seated, wearing double breasted coat, hat and gloves, with young boy seated to left, each holding one side of open book), active mid-19th to early-20th century
C. Clare
Untitled (half-length portrait of woman wearing hat, embroidered vest, three strands of beads, looking right), c. 1860-1950