Untitled (road from Misurina, Italy)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (road leading to Santner and Euringerspitze, woman walking along road by small shed-like structure, board fence runs along road on left of image)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (Mount Tofana, Dolomites, Italy)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (Croda da Lago, Dolomites, Italy)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (Paternkofel also called Monte Paterno)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (square in Strassburg, Austria, Strassburg Cathedral in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (street scene, with Königsberg Castle in background, Königsberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (docks, Königsberg, German)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (scene by river, sail boat in middle ground, Königsberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (scene by river in Königsberg, Germany, boats in foreground, church to left in background, buildings to right in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (scene on dock in Königsberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (scene on the dock, Königsberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (courtyard, Königsberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (city square, church in background, Munich, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (crowded square, Munich, Germany, twin spires of Frauenkirche in background)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (houses on river, Nürnberg, Germany)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (view of river and buildings, church in background, Breslau Germany, now Wroclaw, Poland)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (view of large house at end of street, Breslau, Germany, now Wroclaw, Poland)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (street scene in Breslau, Germany, Wroclaw, Poland)
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (street with decorative arch, church spire in background, Breslau, Germany, now Wroclaw, Poland)
Unidentified Artist