Student Exercise from a Bauhaus Preliminary Course, 1894 - 1989
? Lucia Moholy
Student Exercise from a Bauhaus Preliminary Course
Unidentified Artist
Student Exercise from a Bauhaus Preliminary Course
Unidentified Artist
Student Exercise from a Bauhaus Preliminary Course
Unidentified Artist
Study in Spatial Relationships by Heinz Tinzmann, 1894 - 1989
? Lucia Moholy
Study in Equilibrium, 1894 - 1989
Lucia Moholy
Dancers from the Weimar Bauhaus Stage Production of "Man at the Control Panel" by Kurt Schmidt
Unidentified Artist
Sculpted Wooden Head
Unidentified Artist
Sculpted Wooden Head
Unidentified Artist
Memorial to Those Killed in the Kapp Putsch, Weimar (1920-22)
Unidentified Artist
Memorial to Those Killed in the Kapp Putsch, Weimar (1920-22)
Unidentified Artist
Student Exercise from László Moholy Nagy's Bauhaus Preliminary Course (1924), 1894 - 1989
? Lucia Moholy
Child's Toy
Unidentified Artist
Memorial to Those Killed in the Kapp Putsch, Weimar, 1920-1922
Unidentified Artist
Architectural Drawing
Unidentified Artist
Architectural Drawing
Unidentified Artist
Architectural Drawing
Unidentified Artist
Achitectural Drawing
Unidentified Artist
Bauhaus Masters' Housing, Dessau, 1925-1926: Laundry Room of Walter Gropius's House
Unidentified Artist
On Learning to Paint: A Handbook by Lovis Corinth, 1858 - 1925
Lovis Corinth