Ascension, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf
Wise and Foolish Virgins, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Arrest of Christ, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Christ Before Herod, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Reading of the Verdict, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Ecce Homo, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf
Crucifixion, 15th century
Anonymous Germany 1499
The Visitation, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf
The Visitation, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Naming of Saint John the Baptist, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Flight into Egypt and the Slaughter of the Innocents, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Parable of the Pearl, the Hidden Treasure and the Net Let Down into the Sea, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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The Mote and the Beam, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Christ Speaking of the Bread of Life, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf
Mary Magdalene Washing the Feet of Christ, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Christ Asking his Disciples about His Identity, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Christ Before Caiaphas, c. 1485 - 1527/28
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Christ on Trial, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf
Christ on the Cross, c. 1485 - 1527/28
Urs Graf