Untitled (nine photographs, clockwise from upper left, Earl of Tyrone; Sir ? and Lady Mackenzie; Captain Coventry; Countess of Scarbrough; Earl of Listowel; Miss Vivian an Lady A. Duff (with two unidentified men); Mr. Oswald; Lady Abercromby; center, photograph of drawing of unidentified sitter), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Untitled (two photographs: older man in tux and flowered cap leaning back in chair; young couple seen through window of airplane), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (two photographs: double studio portrait of man with cello; studio portrait of two toddler boys standing in front of two blocks), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (two photographs: woman in lacy dress posed leaning against piano; double portrait of man posing with two young daughters), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (two photographs: portrait of older man with glasses holding small baby; double studio portrait of boy in hat and wool coat), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Catholic Church, Torreón, Mexico, 1944-1945: Duplicate of BRGA.103.5 (with additional information: Construction details and photographs of concrete structures and model, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Untitled (Bowery, New York City), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Out-of-Focus, 1940 -
Mel Bochner
Untitled (five views of Durham from top left, cathedral Chapter Library and Deanery Kitchen/Prebends Bridge; two views of the castle from Framwellgate; center; cathedral from the "Banks" ; verso: four views of Oxford, nave of St. Mary's looking east; Archbishop Laud's Porch at St. Mary's' St. Mary Magdalen; St. Peter's in the east), 1845-1903
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Races, Immigration: United States. New York. New York City. Immigrant Station: Regulation of Immigration at the Port of Entry, United States Immigrant Station, New York City., active 1900s
J. H. Adams
Races, Indians: United States. New York. Iroquois. Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children: State Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children, Iroquois, N.Y.: Nursery - Children's Dormitory
Unidentified Artist
Races, Immigration: United States. New York. New York City. Immigrant Station: Regulation of Immigration at the Port of Entry, United States Immigrant Station, New York City: Excluded Men and Women, Paupers, Convicts, Etc., active 1900s
J. H. Adams
Races, Immigration: United States. New York. New York City. Immigrant Station: Regulation of Immigration at the Port of Entry, United States Immigrant Station, New York City: Group of Those to Be Deported., active 1900s
J. H. Adams
Races, Indians: United States. New York. Iroquois. Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children: State Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children, Iroquois, N.Y.: Kindergarten
Unidentified Artist
Antique Style Vase, founded 1759
Untitled (composite photograph of a man doing a jumping twist; continuous motion)
Jack Gould
Untitled (composite photograph of a man doing a jumping somersault; continuous motion)
Jack Gould
Untitled (photograph of woman with white cloth over head, one shoulder), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (photograph of 1928 Bachrach photo of girl standing in doorway with doll), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled ("before" version of damaged photograph of couple, man in military hat), active 1940s-1950s