Untitled (Caldwell County Centennial, view of marchers in parade), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (Caldwell County Centennial, view of crowd gathered in Lockhart town square), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (Caldwell County Centennial, float for Lockhart Public Schools in parade), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (Caldwell County Centennial, two women in a buggy for Margie's clothing store in parade), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (man in cowboy hat seated on fence on ranch)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (men and women in bright pink vests and dresses)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (family portrait, "Mr. and Mrs. Dick Karstens)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (group portrait: women in turquoise gowns, men in tuxedos)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (group of women in costume posing in front of fake bar), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (couple standing in front of school trophy case), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (five women posing like Rockettes at town fair), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (group of women in costume seated at table in front of fake bar), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (three suits in Glossermans storefront window display), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (men working with carcasses in Kreuz meat market), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (Miss Wool and Sam Glosserman, Mayor in clothing store), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (three men with signs about traffic safety), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (audience listening to speaker at Armo Mills Poultry Meeting), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (two men with prize calf at Armo Mills Poultry Meeting), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (woman standing on path outside buildings, Armo Mills Broiler operations), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas
Untitled (man and tractor in field in front of buildings, Armo Mills Broiler operations), 1897 - 1980
Harry Annas