Untitled (portrait of a woman with pearl necklace and beaded dress), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (man in cowboy hat crossing dirt field on ranch)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (band playing on mobile stage in field - parking lot)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (choral singers in pink, "Thunderbird Open House)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (couple sitting with champagne on a bench in front of the sea)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (brunette woman in decorated bikini bottom, mesh stockings, and silver boots -- back to camera)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (man in cowboy hat with sculpture of horses pulling logs)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (man in cowboy hat leaning against tree on ranch)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (family portrait in a park, Taft Family Reunion)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (woman in white dress with parents looking on from the background)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (young woman in striped shirt, white shorts and boots in the snow)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (brunette woman in decorated bikini bottom, mesh stockings, and silver boots -- facing camera)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (couple dining in field at Black Angus ranch)
Ken Whitmire Associates
Untitled (child in triangle paper hat holding toy gun), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (portrait of a woman in coat, fur stole, and hat at bottom of stairs), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (Lee's Esso Grill, interior, stools at counter), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (two portraits of toddler with his teddy bear), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (one-year old eating birthday cake), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (small group standing around birthday cake), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (portrait of a seated woman in cloche hat and fur stole), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio