Untitled (woman smoling a pipe, face encircled by smoke)
Jack Gould
Untitled (rear exterior view of run-down apartment building)
Jack Gould
Untitled (exterior view of boarded-up building and ice-cream shop, people in front; oblique view)
Jack Gould
Untitled (truck hauling junk away from front of old buildings]
Jack Gould
Untitled (students taking exam in large gymnasium)
Jack Gould
Untitled (boy and girl watching man with TV camera)
Jack Gould
Untitled (construction of large bridge over river)
Jack Gould
Untitled (rear exterior view of run-down apartment building)
Jack Gould
Untitled (seven adults sitting in living room watching television)
Jack Gould
Untitled (several elderly women wearing hats sitting in living room during a meeting)
Jack Gould
Untitled (exterior view of three boarded-up houses)
Jack Gould
Untitled (exterior view of boarded-up building and ice-cream shop, people in front; frontal view)
Jack Gould
Untitled (students taking exam in large gymnasium)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man watching trash dumped into incinerator)
Jack Gould
Untitled (couple in room with mounted horns on walls)
Jack Gould
Untitled (aerial view of empty ferry boat on river)
Jack Gould
Untitled (members of "Browns" team in locker room)
Jack Gould
Untitled (two men in small vintage automobile driving on road)
Jack Gould
Untitled (three men wearing aprons and hats singing with microphone on stage)
Jack Gould
Untitled (display of cigarette boxes inside store)
Jack Gould