Untitled (woman and two children on banks of river, cliffs in distance), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (couple posing in elaborate "Masons" regalia), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (exterior of large house on suburban street), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (man sitting in living room chair, window with curtains behind him), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (man lying down having his pants ironed while he is still wearing them, bystanders watching), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (exterior of "Farmer's Market" grocery store), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (men lined up on grass, spectators on sideline watching sporting event), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (military tanks in parade driving down main street), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (exterior of three modest tract houses), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (suburban intersection with trees, houses, and cars in front of store), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (two men swimming and racing in indoor swimming pool), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (young couples dressed in fancy clothes posing inside restaurant at table), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (men in military uniforms seated at conference table with photos hanging on wall), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (young children posing on hood of old car), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (several people posing in elaborate "Masons" regalia), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (interior of elaborate living room with furniture, floral wallpeper, and fireplace), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (interior view of fully-stocked grocery store), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (small house in barren rural landscape), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (man building haystacks on dry farmland), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (man building haystacks on dry farmland), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio