Untitled (men looking into store window displaying vacuum contraption)
Jack Gould
Untitled (large corwd of people waiting by train for "Dewey")
Jack Gould
Untitled (man on platform shaking hands with people in large crowd)
Jack Gould
Untitled (smiling boy holding freshly-caught fish)
Jack Gould
Untitled (male and female dancers posing by waterfall)
Jack Gould
Untitled (Cardinal baseball player hitting ball; Stan Musial)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man standing in living room, wearing plaid jacket and smoking)
Jack Gould
Untitled (architectural model of city, seen from above)
Jack Gould
Untitled (children playing outside on map of United States painted on ground)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man standing behind large television satellite dish)
Jack Gould
Untitled (abstract view of metal bars - looking up inside T.V. tower)
Jack Gould
Untitled (severlal people standing in front of and on balcony of house)
Jack Gould
Untitled (severlal people standing in front of and on balcony of house)
Jack Gould
Untitled (big city street with many cars; sign for 'signals set for 30 mph')
Jack Gould
Untitled (man working with large box and equipment)
Jack Gould
Untitled (trainer pulling lion on sled in large cage)
Jack Gould
Untitled (lion standing on hind legs wearing corwn; trainer with whip)
Jack Gould
Untitled (animals in zoo band; a monkey playing a large drum)
Jack Gould
Untitled (animals in zoo band; a monkey playing the xylophone)
Jack Gould
Untitled (animals in zoo band; a monkey playing the piano)
Jack Gould