Fac-simile of Ornamental Letters, from a French MS of the Thirteenth Century, in the British Museum, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Reduced Study of a Distant Effect of a Portion of the "Procession and Miraculous Cure in the Piazza di San Marco," by Gentile Bellini, in the Academy, Venice, 1876-1877, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
The Young Syrian and the Page of Herodias, from Oscar Wilde's "Salome", 1879 - 1907
James Crichton
Untitled (four photographs, clockwise from the top center, The Indian Hunter; Madame La Colonelle, 1863; The Young Guardsman at 9 months. March/63; The Colonel in Canada. 1863), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Untitled (three photographs, top, group photograph taken at Pitfour, October 1862; lower left, Lady Mary Filmer; lower right, Lady Filmer with infant, possibly Edmund Beversham Filmer (1862-63)), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Botanist, 1906 - 1970
Juro Kubicêk
Forms of Vishnu, Kalamkari textile
Black-Ware Jug with Comic Mask in Relief (possibly modern)
Pillow with decoration of a boy
Drawing of the side panel of Shah Jahan's cenotaph in Taj Mahal.
Small feeder jug with basket handle
Body Sherd of Jar with Kamares Ware Decoration
X-radiograph(s) of "Crucifixion", c. 1456 - 1536
Artist of original: Follower of(?) Lorenzo di Credi
X-radiograph(s) of "Portrait of a Woman", 1755 - 1828
Artist of original: Gilbert Stuart
X-radiograph(s) of "Portrait of a Man", 1617 - 1681
Artist of original: Gerard Terborch
Pen Box with Flowers and Birds
`Ali Ashraf
Ibrahim in a Fire (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 35 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Potosi (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 75 from Illustrated Manuscript of Tarjama-i Tarikh-i Yangi Dunya (Translation of the History of the New World)
Jaguar (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 85 from Illustrated Manuscript of Tarjama-i Tarikh-i Yangi Dunya (Translation of the History of the New World)
Woman gazing at her reflection (Painting, recto; Text, verso of folio 23), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Rawda al-Ushshaq (Garden of Lovers) of Arifi