"Good wife..., since we won't have time to see everything in one day, you look at the paintings on the right side...I'll look at those on the left...", 1808-1879
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Layla and Majnun before the King Who Sees the Divine in Everything (painting recto, text verso of folio 33) from a manuscript of Subhat al-abrar by Jami
Design for a Silk Tapestry, 1899 - 1994
Anni Albers
Jane Hading, 1864 - 1901
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Lekythos (oil flask): Woman holding an alabastron, active 500-460 BCE
Manner of Douris
Lid of a Cinerarium with Reclining Figure
Bowl with a Cheetah Standing on the Back of a Horse
Bell Krater (mixing bowl for wine and water): Scene from a Comic Play
Attributed to The McDaniel Painter
Ovoid Jar with Short Neck and Everted Rim and with Decoration of Bird and Fruiting Peach Branches
Tomb Figurine in the Form of a Bridled, Saddled Horse Pawing the Ground, its Saddle Covered with a Blanket
Tomb Figurine in the Form of a Kneeling Attendant Figure
Vase in the Form of an Archaic Bronze "Zun" Beaker with Flanges and with Decoration of "Taotie" Masks, Flowers, Auspicious Emblems, and Stylized Chinese Longevity Characters
Brush Stand in the Form of a Screen with Decoration on the Front of Two Lions Playing with a Brocade Ball Below and a Scholar and Attendants in a Landscape Above, the Back with a Scholar Standing on a Dragon's Head in a Landscape
Large Rouleau Vase with Decoration of Auspicious Emblems, including Two Dragons, Each Pursuing a Flaming Jewel
Calabash-Shaped Bottle or Vase with Decoration of Stylized Lotus Arabesque
Ovoid Jar with Decoration of Three Crows
Cylindrical, Flat-Shouldered Jarlet with Decoration of Fruiting Peach Tree and Butterflies
Tomb Figurine in the Form of a Saddled, Standing Horse with its Proper Right Leg Raised
Tomb Figurine in the Form of a Saddled, Standing Horse with its Proper Right Leg Raised