Humay at the Castle of Humayun (painting, recto), Text (verso), folio 96 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Humayun Fights with Humay (painting, recto), Text (verso), folio 119 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 19, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 21, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 10, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 11, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 12, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Folio 14 from an Album of Drawings and Paintings: Two drawings of workmen: vendor and hat maker (recto); Blank page (verso)
Folio 15 from an Album of Drawings and Paintings: Two drawings of workmen: tailor and man with washboard (recto); Blank page (verso)
Folio 25 from an Album of Drawings and Paintings: Two sheets: seated boy; seated cleric (recto); Blank page (verso)
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 18, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
The End of the Battle (painting with text, verso; text, recto of folio 50) illustrated folio from a Manuscript of Layla and Majnun by Hamdi
Yusuf Struggles with Zulaykha (painting, recto), Text (verso), folio 33 from a Partial Manuscript of Yusuf va Zulaykha by Jami
The Yellow Pavilion (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 141 from a Manuscript of the Khamsa by Amir Khusraw of Delhi (d. 1325)
Majnun in the Desert (painting with text, verso; text, recto of folio 108) illustrated folio from a Manuscript of Layla and Majnun by Hamdi
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 35, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, recto; Text, verso of folio 36, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, recto; Text , verso of folio 14, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
The Prophet's Mosque in Medina (painting, recto; text, verso of folio 12), illustrated folio from a Manuscript of Dala'il al-Khayrat
Painting, verso; Text, recto of folio 9, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami