Coin of the Procurator Coponius (under Augustus), r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of the Procurator Ambibibulus (under Augustus), r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Lycian Votive Relief: Twelve Gods
Roman Provincial
City View - Provincetown, Massachusetts Harbor, active 1883-1893
William M. Smith
South Side of Inscription Rock, N. M., 1840 - 1882
Timothy H. O'Sullivan
Octofoil Mirror with Relief Decoration of a Ship at Sea, Illustrating the Legend of Ci Fei and with Inscription Reading 'Huangpi changtian' ("Heaven is great and resplendent")
Circular Mirror with Relief Decoration of Four Fantastic Creatures, Symbols of the Four Directions, and Auspicious Inscription (a forgery purporting to date to the Sui dynasty)
Titlepage: Grotesque with a Large Tripartate Sideboard above a Tablet with an Inscription: LEVIOR . ET (UT VIDETVR) EAXTEMPORANEAE...
Unidentified Artist
A Seated Woman, 1426 - 1464
Maso Finiguerra
Hemidrachm of Lakedaimon
Hemidrachm of Lakedaimon
Large Pogh
Unidentified Artist
One Takvorin
Unidentified Artist
Coin of Decentius, r. 351 - 353 CE