Untitled (seven photos, clockwise from upper left, Lady Constance Grosvenor; Hon. Rosa Sandys; Lady Alice Hill; Miss Lily Hibbert; Mrs. Biddulph [reproduction w/highlighting]; Mrs. Keith Fraser, center, Hon. Cecil Sandys; verso: graphite inscript.)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter information:
Lady Constance Grosvenor [née Leveson-Gower] (16 June 1834-19 December 1880), the Duchess of Westminster. Youngest daughter of the 2nd Duke of Sutherland KG. Married the first Duke of Westminster 28 April 1852.
The Honorable Rosa Sandys
Lady Alice Hill. Lady Alice Maria (d. 25 February 1928) only daugher of the 4th Marquess of Downshire, KP. Lady Alice married Thomas, Earl of Bective, MP for Westmoreland 1871-92, 9th october 1867. Lord Bective predeceased his father the 3rd Marquess of Headfort, 15 December 1893.
Miss Lily Hibbert
Miss Biddulph
Mrs. Keith Fraser
Hon. Cecil Sandys (d. 1 September 1935). Third daughter of the 3rd Lord Sandys.
Verso inscribed with following names in graphite: "HRH Prince of Wales/HRH Princess of Wales/Vicscount Bridport-Viscountess Bridport/Honble Lady Filmer"
Album page with seven albumen silver prints; verso: graphite inscription.