Coin of Seleukos I of Syria, Seleukeia, r. 312-281 BCE
Seleukos I
Coin of Seleukos I of Syria, Seleukeia, r. 312-281 BCE
Seleukos I
Coin of Seleukos I of Syria, Antioch, r. 312-281 BCE
Seleukos I
Coin of Seleukos I of Syria, Antioch, r. 312-281 BCE
Seleukos I
Coin of Seleukos I of Syria, Antioch, r. 312-281 BCE
Seleukos I
Coin of the Syrian Koinon under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Antiochos XII Dionysos of Syria, r. 87-84 BCE
Antiochos XII Dionysos
Coin of Antiochos VIII Grypos of Syria, r. 126/5-96 BCE
Antiochos VIII Grypos
Coin of Antiochos III, the Great of Syria, r. 223-187 BCE
Antiochos III the Great
Coin of Antiochos III of Syria, Antioch, r. 223-187 BCE
Antiochos III the Great
Coin of Alexander II of Syria, Antioch, r. 126/5-123 BCE
Alexander II Zabinas
Coin of Antiochos VII Eurgetes of Syria, r. 138-129 BCE
Antiochos VII Eurgetes
Coin of Antiochos VIII Grypos of Syria, r. 126/5-96 BCE
Antiochos VIII Grypos
Coin of Antiochos VIII Grypos of Syria, r. 126/5-96 BCE
Antiochos VIII Grypos
Coin of Caesarea Mazaca under Commodus, r. 177-192
Coin of the Sequani, East Central Gaul
The Sequani
British Silver Coronation Crown Coin
Coin of Ilium under Caligula and Augustus, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of Massinissa and Successors, Numidia and Mauretania
coin of Metropolis under Otacilia Severa, r. 244 - 249 CE
Otacilia Severa