Coin of Damascus under Philip I, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Heliopolis under Philip I, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Gadara under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Botrys under Julia Soaemias, r. 218 - 222 CE
Julia Soaemias
Coin of Tyre under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Carrhae under Gordian III, r. 238 - 244 CE
Gordian III
Coin of Caesarea Mazaca under Elagabalus, r. 218 - 222 CE
Coin of Antiochos IV Epiphanes of Syria, r. 175-164 BCE
Antiochos IV Epiphanes
Coin of Samosata under Lucius Verus, r. 161-169 CE
Lucius Verus
Coin of Zeugma under Philip I, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Antioch on the Orontes under Nerva, r. 96 - 98
Coin of Seleukeia Pieria under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Orthosia under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Beroea Cyrrhestica under Trajan, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Cyrrhus under Philip I, r. 244 - 249 CE
Philip I, the Arab
Coin of Antioch on the Orontes under Tiberius, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Antioch under Trebonianus Gallus, r. 251-253 CE
Trebonianus Gallus
Coin of Paltos under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Edessa under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander
Coin of Edessa under Severus Alexander, r. 222 - 235 CE
Severus Alexander