Coin of Alexander the Great, Macedonia mint, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Coin of Cyrpus under Tiberius and Julia, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of Macedonia under Pyrrhos of Epiros, 319 BCE - 272 BCE
Pyrrhos of Epiros
Coin of Demetrios Poliorketes, King of Macedon, r. 306-283 BCE
Demetrios I Poliorketes
Coin of Alexander the Great, Uncertain Mint, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Coin of Octavian, Uncertain Mint, Italy, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Issued by Octavian
Coin of the Province of Macedonia under Nero, r. 54 - 68 CE
Coin of Thessalonike? under Julius Caesar?, r. 59-44 BCE
C. Julius Caesar
Coin of Antigonos II Gonatas of Macedonia, r. 277/6 BCE-239 BCE
Antigonos II Gonatas
Coin of Antigonos II Gonatas of Macedonia, r. 277/6 BCE-239 BCE
Antigonos II Gonatas
Coin of Alexander the Great, Macedonia mint, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Coin of Alexander the Great, Uncertain Mint, r. 336-323 BCE
Alexander III, the Great
Coin of Eupolemos, Macedonian General at Mylasa, 295 - 280 BCE
Coin of Mopsos under Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
Coin of Tarsos under Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
Brass Coin of Cleopatra VII Thea, r. 51-30 BCE
Cleopatra VII
Coin of Ptolemy III of Egypt, Kyrenaica, r. 246-221 BCE
Ptolemy III Euergetes
Coin of Ptolemy II of Egypt, Kyrenaica, r. 285-246 BCE
Ptolemy II Philadelphos
Coin of Ptolemy I Magas of Kyrenaica, r. 277-261 BCE
Ptolemy of Kyrenaica
Coin of Prosopites Nomos under Hadrian, r. 117-138 CE