Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Sheet from documentation box, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Untitled (woman taking boxes of frozen dough from freezer chest)
Jack Gould
The Bridge of Sighs, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1800 - 1877
William Henry Fox Talbot
Concrete Book, 1932 - 1998
Wolf Vostell
Paper Flux Work, born 1939
Willem de Ridder
Pen Box with European Women and Other Figures in Landscape
Pen Box with European Woman and Eagles in Medallions
`Abbas Shirazi