Untitled (two cats, wearing boxing gloves, 'hugging" in boxing ring)
Jack Gould
Artist's object: Marine Band harmonica in original box, 1943 - 1987
Christopher Wilmarth
Wordsearch: A Translinguistic Sculpture, born 1957
Karin Sander
Collection of 114 Plaster Casts in a wooden box
Unidentified Artist
Collection of Seventy Plaster Casts of Gems in wooden box
Unidentified Artist
Lotus Throne for a Seated Buddha from the Interior of a Portable Buddhist Shrine with Repoussé Decoration
Portable Buddhist Shrine with a Repoussé Panel Depicting the Buddha Amitabha (Amit'abul) Surrounded by Bodhisattvas, Apsarases, and Other Attendants, and with Repoussé Panels on the Interiors of the Doors Representing Guardian Figures
Portable Buddhist Shrine with Two Removable Standing Bodhisattvas, a Lotus Base for a Seated Buddha Image (now missing), a Repoussé Panel Depicting the Buddha Amitabha (Amit'abul), and Repoussé Panels on the Doors Representing Guardian Figures
Squat Lekythos (oil flask): Winged Eros Holding a Box
E.S.P. Fluxkit, born 1933
James Riddle
Untitled (two standing cats wearing gloves and pretending to box in boxing ring)
Jack Gould
Unidentified Artist
Cover for "Circular Covered Box with Peony Décor"
Chinese Woman Examining Spider Web in Box, 1786? - 1868
Yashima Gakutei 八島岳亭
Vase, Plum Blossoms in a Box and Strips of Paper, fl. 1799 - 1823
Ryūryūkyo Shinsai 柳々居辰斎
Pen Box with Three Reed Pens and Inkwell
Uncle Toby and the Widow Wadman in the "Sentry-Box", 1800 - 1862
Moseley Issac Danforth
Lekythos (oil flask): Woman Carrying Box