Fragment of Brocade
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Brocade
Unidentified Artist
Hawking Scene
Unidentified Artist
Mercury and Herse
Unidentified Artist
Atalanta and Meleager
Unidentified Artist
Wall Hanging
Unidentified Artist
A Lion, Leopard and other Animals
Unidentified Artist
Florentine Border depicting the Virgin Adoring the Child with Angels
Unidentified Artist
Fragment of Brocade
Unidentified Artist
Armorial Millefleurs
Unidentified Artist
Two Figures in a Landscape
Unidentified Artist
Venus and Adonis in a Landscape
Unidentified Artist
Achilles Among the Daughters of Lycomedes
Unidentified Artist
Hunter with Two Dogs in a Landscape
Unidentified Artist
Paul before Agrippa
Unidentified Artist
Landscape with Three Trees and Birds
Unidentified Artist
Cushion with Appliquéd and Embroidered Panel depicting Saint Matthew (possibly from a cope or chasuble orphrey)
Unidentified Artist
Cushion with embroidered appliqués and central medallion
Unidentified Artist
Jupiter and Callisto
Unidentified Artist
Silk on Linen Panel
Unidentified Artist