Painting, recto; Text, verso of folio 15, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, recto; Painting, verso of folio 40, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
Painting, recto; Text, verso of folio 16, illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab-i Mihasikü’l-Hacc by Mevlana Jami
M. Charles asked me: So what does she have? ... And so I said: It is nothing ... I said what you had., p. 20, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
As for me, at least I don't say that I don't like proof spirits., p. 67, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
My little house, my mother ate it. My brother Zidor gambled away my hair, my shawls, my rings ... and all. And my late father drank the rest., p. 93, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
My respects to you, Mme. Widow-of-everyone!, p. 91, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
Sigh! And I really liked lobster!, p. 87, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
Louison, what is yours is mine ... and I'm thirsty!, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
Don't make a mistake, young man! The taffeta goes to my house. -And the velvet for Magdalen., 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
Hush! A stockholder who just touched his dividend!, p. 21, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
And so, my uncle, tell me ... these lovely little flowers, where do they come from and what do they become? -Manure, p. 14, 1804 - 1866
Paul Gavarni
New Year Print: Boys Delivering a Money Tree Branch and Auspicious Objects
New Year Print: Qilin Delivering Sons and Good Wishes
New Year Print: Child with Sanxian (Lute) and Toys
New Year Print: Boys Delivering a Money Tree Branch and a Deer
Verses Invoking `Ali, folio from an album
Calligraphy by Mir Muhammad
Three Figures, 1891 - 1968
Fritz Pauli
Side View of St. Peter's Church and Environs Taken from without the Walls of Rome, 1740 - 1814
Richard Cooper
Part of the Colonade and Piazza leading to St. Peter's Church at Rome, 1740 - 1814