Het Boek van PTT (The Book of the PTT), 1938
Piet Zwart
Child with Basket, 105th St., N.Y.C., 1952
Walter Rosenblum
Aquí están las calaveras de Don Folias y el Negrito (Here Are the Calaveras of Don Folias and El Negrito), n.d.
José Guadalupe Posada
Calaveras of the Cucaracha: A Party in the Afterlife, n.d.
José Guadalupe Posada
Boy Chinning on Pole Street Playground, 105th St., N.Y.C., 1951
Walter Rosenblum
Misunderstandings (A Theory of Photography), 1970
Mel Bochner
Boy on Roof, Pitt St., N.Y.C., 1951
Walter Rosenblum
Haiti, c. 1958
Leon Levinstein
100 Boots on the Way to Church, February 9, 1971, 11:30 a.m.; mailed April 5, 1971
Eleanor Antin
The Worlds of Kafka & Cuevas, 1959
José Luis Cuevas
Untitled, 1987
Ellen Carey
Misunderstandings (A Theory of Photography), 1970
Mel Bochner
Irish Sea, Isle of Man, 1990, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Delaware Seneca Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Collage Perspective, Febraury 11, 1974
Bertrand Goldberg
Adirondacks (from N's photo), 1968
Joan Lyons
The Maternal Precaution, 1860, published 1921
Jean François Millet
Calavera of the Penitentiary, 1910
Manuel Manilla
Misunderstandings (A Theory of Photography), 1970
Mel Bochner
Autumn, Oregon, 1957
Don Worth