Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Untitled, 1968
Robert Heinecken
Arctic Ocean, Nord Kapp, 1990, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Mediterranean Sea, Crete, 1990, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Bay of Biscay, Bakio, 1991, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Marmara Sea, Silivli, 1991, printed 1991
Hiroshi Sugimoto
100 Boots Circling, May 17, 1971, 12:30 p.m.; mailed July 19, 1971
Eleanor Antin
Peruvian Group #1, Religious Fiesta, Bolivian Highlands, 1950
Eliot Elisofon
Photo Index Map, c. 1947
Windshield, Saratoga Springs, 1957
Louis Stettner
Untitled (Alberta [and] L[uri], stamped Genuine Krystal Gloss, Guaranteed Forever, Bear, Bear Photo Service, Jul - 6 ‘38), printed July 6, 2938
Unknown Maker
A Word Made Flesh...Throat, 1994
Lesley Dill
Het Boek van PTT (The Book of the PTT), 1938
Piet Zwart