Mars (or Alexander?) Distributing the Victor's Wreaths, 1560/65
Andrea Semino
Dutch Market or Fair, c. 1820
John Coney
Hitoe, Shôwa period (1926–1989), c. 1930
Sutra Cover, Ming dynasty (1368–1644), c. 1590's
The Parisian “- Tell me, good man, what are you doing with all these cows once they have become old and don't give milk any more? The Cowherd “- Silly question... we make oxen out of them!,” plate 13 from Ces Bons Parisiens, 1857
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Stanley St. Leonard Church, Gloucestershire, n.d.
Thomas Rowlandson
Chimney Sweep, 1932/34
John Fernhout
Installation View of the XXe Salon des Artistes Décorateurs, Paris, 1930
André Kertész
Construction Pavilions (Pavillons en Construction), 1947/48
Robert Doisneau
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
The Camera Conquers Unknown Photographic Territory (Die Kamera erobert fotografisches Neuland), c. 1927
Heinz Hajek-Halke
Panel (Showing 'Lace' Design), 1724/26
Panel from a Jacket, c. 1730