Untitled (Do Do), 1962
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Liturgical Lace), 1962
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Tesserae 2), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Tesserae 3), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Black and Orange Figure), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Yellow Figure and Octopus), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Key to Happiness), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Marianne Moore), 1963
Ray Johnson
Untitled (33-44 S&W Special), c. 1961
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Gray Figure—Large), c. 1955
Ray Johnson
Untitled (P Town), c. 1962
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Ha Ha), 1965/66
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Tusk/Love to Bill Wilson), c. 1955/1984
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Buddha Urinating), 1967
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Black Cap), c. 1968
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Pinking), c. 1968-70
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Portrait of Bill Wilson), c. 1968
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Marianne Moore—EAT), c. 1969
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Action Jackson), 1973
Ray Johnson
Untitled (Jugs), 1974
Ray Johnson