The Lamp, 1890–91
Mary Cassatt
In the Opera Box, No. 3, 1880
Mary Cassatt
Susan and Child Facing each Other, 1883
Mary Cassatt
Mother's Goodnight Kiss, 1888
Mary Cassatt
Susan in a Straw Bonnet, c. 1883
Mary Cassatt
By the Pond, c. 1898
Mary Cassatt
The Barefooted Child, 1896–98
Mary Cassatt
Mother and Little Girl, 1902
Mary Cassatt
The Fitting, 1890–91
Mary Cassatt
The Fitting, 1890–91
Mary Cassatt
Peasant Mother and Child, c. 1895
Mary Cassatt
Peasant Mother and Child, c. 1894
Mary Cassatt
After the Bullfight, 1873
Mary Cassatt
Sleepy Nicolle, c. 1900
Mary Cassatt
Waiting, 1879–80
Mary Cassatt
The Corner of the Sofa, c. 1879
Mary Cassatt
Lady in Black, in a Loge, Facing Right, c. 1881
Mary Cassatt
Under the Lamp, c. 1882
Mary Cassatt
At the Dressing Table, c. 1880
Mary Cassatt