“- I would have bet on it… instead of taking him to see Séraphin you take him to a drama.... it's bad enough for adults already, poor little thing!... - Don't worry Madame, this is the way children are enjoying themselves,” plate 34 from Moeurs Conjugales, 1841
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
A New Way to Float Down the River of Life, plate three from Les Canotiers Parisiens, 1843
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- Hard to imagine that one day I might have to trade my crown against a simple hat,” plate 249 from Actualités, 1855
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Poster Man, plate 17 from Bohémiens de Paris, 1842
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Mules Harnessed, n.d.
Victor Jean Adam
“- Hello, neighbour... what was all this yelling about... did you see the comet? - I thought I had seen it over there... but then it was just the fire from a chimney... this time we got off with no more than a fright,” plate 3 from La Cométe De 1857, 1857
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
To Victor Hugo, 1889
Henri Fantin-Latour
“- Brrrr! I am furious that I came here to hunt in the St. Denis-Plain. It's just too cold!… - One of those days when you would love to catch a bear. His fur would be more than welcome right now!,” plate 3 from Croquis De Chasse, 1858
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- How do you know that I am a widower? After twenty years of forced labour, not marriage, I am slowly starting to pull myself together again, and there you are, proposing me a second marriage! Ragoulet, would you please stop holding my hand!,” plate 10 from Vulgarités, 1841
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Bearded Man, n.d.
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- I am sorry that I did not recognize you right away. I could not distinguish you from all the other roses!,” plate 55 from Tout Ce Qu'on Voudra, 1850
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- Should be a great performance today, Mr.Galuchet... - I should think so... A murder case with a rape thrown in...,” plate 31 from Les Gens De Justice, 1847
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
An Unpleasant Encounter, plate sixteen from Les Canotiers Parisiens, 1843
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Marius At Carthage. Soldier, say to the senate that in my noble poverty I have taken for a chair a ruin And if I were in Sylla I would not be sitting here. (Pun attributed to M. Cousin), plate 35 from Histoire Ancienne, published November 13, 1842
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Auguste-Hilarion, Comte de Kératry, September 19, 1833
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The New Neapolitan Buffoon. “- Polichinelle, Polichinelle, you have cudgelled the others long enough... now it's your turn. We will bring you to reason...,” plate 221 from Actualités, 1855
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“How much I regret. My arms once so strong, my legs never fat and nothing went wrong” (an ancient song), plate 1 from Silhouettes, 1840
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- I actually thought a crocodile soup would taste better than that,” plate 7 from La Sopciété D'acclimatation, 1858
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Old Man (Head Two Paces Back), plate eight from Figurines: The Three-Dimensional Design of the Electro-Mechanical Show: "Victory over the Sun", 1920–21, published 1923
El Lissitzky
In front of Meissonnier's paintings, plate 3 from Le Public Du Salon, 1852
Honoré-Victorin Daumier