Ogi Harbor, Sado Island (Sado Ogi no minato), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 19 August 1921
Kawase Hasui
The Asano River in Kanazawa (Kanazawa Asanogawa), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 1920
Kawase Hasui
Traveling at Night in the Hakone Mountains on the Border of Izu and Sagami Provinces (Zuso Hakone-yama yako no zu), from the series "Famous Places in the Various Provinces (Shokoku meisho)", c. 1830/44
Utagawa Hiroshige
Mount Asahi seen from Mount Shirouma, from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series" (Tabi miyage dai sanshu, Shiroumadake yori mita Asahidake), 1924
Kawase Hasui
Santo Stefano Archway Detail, Bologna, Italy, Travel Sketch, c. 1902
Edward Herbert Bennett
Barn, Travel Sketch, 1929
Paul Schweikher
San Miniato, Florence, Italy, Travel Sketch, 1891
George Washington Maher
Shorthand Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Sketch, 1996
Carol Ross Barney
Gozanoishi Shrine at Lake Tazawa (Tazawako Gozanoishi), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series (Tabi miyage dai sanshu)", 1926
Kawase Hasui
Kintai Bridge in Suo Province (Suo Kintaikyo), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series (Tabi miyage dai sanshu)", 1924
Kawase Hasui
Chicago Travel Sketches, Behind the Facade, Industrial Views Along the Chicago River, 1996
Ralph E. Johnson
Chicago Sketches, Belmont Harbor, 1996
John Vinci
Evening in Beppu (Beppu no yu), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series (Tabi miyage dai sanshu)", 1929
Kawase Hasui
The Art of Travel, 1921
Ethel Gabain
St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, England, Travel Sketch, c. 1897–1899
Edward Herbert Bennett
Furniture Studies on Newspaper/Furniture Study with German Annotations/Furniture Studies with Calculations, c. 1936
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
French Cathedral, Travel Sketch, 1929
Paul Schweikher
Ruin of Baths (Thermae) of Caracella, Rome, Italy, Travel Sketch, c. 1910–1913
John Augur Holabird, Sr.
Travelers with Horse Card before Panorama with Lake and Mountains, n.d.
Nicholas Pocock