Mishima River, Mutsu Province (Mutsu Mishimagawa), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, First Series (Tabi miyage dai isshu)", 1919
Kawase Hasui
Cows, Sheep, Goats Being Herded, Herdsman Giving Directions to Traveler on Horseback, n.d.
Abraham Jansz. Begeyn
Winding Road Beside Lake, with Large Tree and Resting Traveler in Foreground, n.d.
William Marshall Craig
Miyazu in Tango Province (Tango no Miyazu), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 1922
Kawase Hasui
Winter in Arashi Gorge (Fuyu no Arashikyo), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", 1921
Kawase Hasui
Crescent Moon at Matsue in Izumo Province (Izumo Matsue [mikkazuki]), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series (Tabi miyage dai sanshu)", 1924
Kawase Hasui
Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy, Travel Sketch, 03/27/1923
Norman Joseph Schlossman
Cloudy Day at Matsue in Izumo Province (Izumo Matsue [kumoribi]), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Third Series (Tabi miyage dai sanshu)", 1924
Kawase Hasui
Tsuta Marsh in Mutsu Province (Mutsu Tsutanuma), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, First Series (Tabi miyage dai isshu)", 1919
Kawase Hasui
St. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, Travel Sketch, c. 1902
Edward Herbert Bennett
Streetscape, Travel Sketch, 1929
Paul Schweikher
Gateway and River (Tribune Tower), 1979
Helmut Jahn
Exterior View of the Chateau de Vincennes, Paris, France, Travel Sketch, 1976
George Allen Hinds
Chicago, The Windy City, Travel Sketch, 1997
Eva Jiricna
Autumn at the Arayu Hot Springs, Shiobara (Shiobara Arayu no aki), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, First Series (Tabi miyage dai isshu)", 1920
Kawase Hasui
Traveler on a Path before Three Trees on a Knoll at Right, from Twelve Landscapes, c. 1605-1650
Gillis van Scheyndel
Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, Shortly Before the Revolution, 1821
Thomas Rowlandson
Exterior view of Casino, Monte Carlo, Monaco, Travel Sketch, 1979
George Allen Hinds
San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy, Travel Sketch, May 24, 1889
George Washington Maher
Ephraim Shay House, Harbor Springs, Michigan, Travel Sketch, 1985
Henry Peter Glass