Black Cañon, Colorado River, Looking Above from Camp 7, 1871
Timothy O'Sullivan
View across Black Cañon. The grand walls in perspective, No. 2 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1871
Timothy O'Sullivan
Ute Braves, of the Kah-poh-teh band, Northern New Mexico, in "full dress", No. 40 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1874
Timothy O'Sullivan
One of the group of Pagosa Hot Springs, showing incrustation on the surface. Much prized by the Indians and miners on account of supposed healing qualities. Principal mineral element, Sulphate of Soda, No. 38 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1874
Timothy O'Sullivan
Roman Catholic Church, Plaza of Guadaloupe, Guadaloupe Co., Colorado. Built not many years since of adobes. Dimensions, length 120 feet; width 60 feet; height 25 feet. Grave yard in the foreground surrounded by an abode wall about 6 feet in height, No. 34 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1874
Timothy O'Sullivan
Tarquin and Lucretia, 1578–80
Steel Mill. 80 inch Hot Strip Mill. Inland Steel Co., E. Chicago, Ind., 1979
David Plowden
Marquette Building: Elevator Grille Base, 1893/95
Holabird and Roche
It is Time, plate 80 from Los Caprichos, 1797/99
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
Wagon Park, Brandy Station, Virginia, May 1863
Timothy O'Sullivan
Camp Architecture, Brandy Station, Virginia, January 1864
Timothy O'Sullivan
Chalk Hill Drive-In, Highway 80, Dallas, Texas, 1973
Steve Fitch
The Fighting Téméraire, from Old English Masters, 1899, printed 1902
Timothy Cole
The Church of San Miguel, the Oldest in Santa Fe, N.M., 1873
Timothy O'Sullivan
Ruins in Cañon de Chelle, N. M., in a cavity in the wall, 60 feet above present bed of Cañon. Height of walls about 700 feet. The present race of Indians know nothing of the age of these buildings of who occupied them, No. 21 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1873
Timothy O'Sullivan
Portrait of Mrs. Davies, from Old English Masters, 1898, printed 1902
Timothy Cole
Untitled, from the series "The Garage" (1970/80), 1970
Mikki Ferrill
The Reflecting Pool: Collected Works, 1977–80
Bill Viola
Head of Cañon de Chelle, Looking Down. Walls about 1200 feet in height, 1873
Timothy O'Sullivan
View down Black Cañon, from Mirror Bar. The walls repeated by reflection, No. 3 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian", 1871