Untitled (Gym Teachers Linda "Sissy" House, Sarah Beth Jordan, Seanne Livingston, 9th Grade), August 1961
Unknown Maker
Untitled, 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Futakawa, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Goyu, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Tenaya Creek, Spring Rain, Yosemite National Park, c. 1948, printed 1959
Ansel Adams
Three Caryatids Supporting a Basket, n.d.
Jacob Jordaens
Three Putti and Dog in a Landscape, n.d.
Giuseppe Diamantini
The Yoshiwara in Edo - A Set of Three (Edo Yoshiwara sanpukutsui), c. 1736/44
Ishikawa Toyonobu
Talo/The House, 2002
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Three Nude Men, plate two from The Wood Engravings of Leonard Baskin, 1949, printed 1961
Leonard Baskin
Untitled, c. 1950/59
Unknown Maker
Feline-headed Guardian Beast (Zhenmushou), Tang dynasty (618–907), 1st half of 8th century
Three Heiresses, 1962, printed 1983
William Klein
Three Men Sitting on Steps at the Seine, Paris, 1931
Ilse Bing
Untitled, c. 1960/69
Unknown Maker
Narumi, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Tokaido with Poem (Kyoka iri Tokaido), c. 1837/42
Utagawa Hiroshige
Okabe: Mount Utsu (Okabe, Utsunoyama)—No. 22, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Reisho Tokaido, 1847–52
Utagawa Hiroshige
Three Half-Length Figures, 1622/72
Pieter Jansz.
Plate Three from Misery, 1851
Charles Rambert