Northern Quarter (Hokkoku), from the series "Three Amusements of Contemporary Beauties (Tosei bijin sanyu)", c. 1800
Kitagawa Utamaro
Tripod Dish with Flying Goose, Stylized Flowers and Vines, Tang dynasty (618–907)
Untitled, c. 1920/29
Unknown Maker
Untitled, c. 1930/39
Unknown Maker
Portrait of S.A.M. (Europeans), 1993
Fred Wilson
Three Bearded Male Heads, Two in Profile to the Right, n.d.
Circle of Bernardino Lanino
Returning Home, Masaya (After Three Days of Bombing), September 1978
Susan Meiselas
Plate Three, from Entrance of the Ambassador of Poland into Rome, 1633
Stefano della Bella
The Castle Above the Meadows, published February 20, 1808
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Untitled, printed March, 7, 1968
Unknown Maker
Plates four, five, and six from A Harlot's Progress, 1732/61
William Hogarth
Black and White Jar, c. 1910–20
Santo Domingo
Okitsu: Kiyomigaseki and Seiken Temple (Kiyomigaseki, Seikenji)—No. 18, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)," also known as the Reisho Tokaido, c. 1847/52
Utagawa Hiroshige
Standing Draped Male Figure in Three-quarters Profile (recto); Putto (verso), 1540/50
Follower of Fra Bartolommeo
The Fifth Month, a Set of Three (Gogatsu sambukutsui), from the series "Twelve Months by the Twin Brushes of Toyohiro and Toyokuni (Toyohiro Toyokuni ryoga juni ko)", c. 1798
Utagawa Toyokuni I
The Prodigal Son with the Swine, plate three from The History of the Prodigal Son, n.d.