Ruins of the City Hall Through the Portal of the Towne Mansion, Nob Hill, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 1906, printed 1956
Arnold Genthe
Kenya (Samples), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Civic Center, Plan of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Site Plan, 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Plate 114 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Proposed Boulevard and Parkway on Michigan Avenue and Pine Street, 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
The Holy Family Leaving by a City Gate, plate seven from The Flight into Egypt, 1753
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Congo (Samples), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Plate 80 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Diagram of City Center, Showing the Proposed Arrangement of Railroad Passenger Stations, the Complete Traction System, Including Rapid Transit, Subway, and Elevated Roads, and the Circuit Subway Line., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
View of a City (Christ with the Good Samaritan at the Well), 17th century
Sébastien Bourdon
Jerusalem from the City Wall, 1857
Francis Frith
Plate 74 from The Plan of Chicago,1909: Chicago. Diagram of the City Center, Showing the General Location of Existing Freight Yards and Railroad Lines, the Present Tunnel System and Proposed Circuit, and Connections for all these Services, Running to the Central Clearing Yards., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Uganda (Panel), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Desk, 1908
Frank Lloyd Wright
Plate 71 from The Plan of Chicago, 1909: Chicago. Sketch Diagram of Docks Suggested at the Mouth of the Chicago River for Package Freight Steamers., 1909
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Cameroon (Samples), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Zambia (Samples), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Uganda (Samples), 1982
Nathalie Du Pasquier
Sketch of a Copperplate Print of the City of Washington (Amerika shu no uchi washintonfu no kei doban no utsushi), 1861
Utagawa Yoshikazu
Legislative Assembly (Back Entrance), from the series "Chandigarh, Portrait of a City" (2010-12), 2011, printed 2012
Manuel Bougot
Plate 50 B from Plan of Chicago 1909: Lake Shore from Chicago Avenue on the south to Wilmette on the North., 1909