Design for Title Page of the Groot Placaatboek: Allegory of the Submission of the City of Utrecht to Emperor Charles V, c. 1729
Jan Wandelaar
View from River of City with Gothic Cathedral and Harbor, n.d.
Unknown artist
View of the City of Washington in 1807, 1807
Leaving the City III (Z mesta von III), 1970
Rudolf Sikora
The City Flourishing, Tanabata Festival (Shichu han'ei Tanabata Matsuri), from the series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)”, 1857
Utagawa Hiroshige
A Group of Men Representing Various Branches of Human Thought, Study for Mural Decoration in the Great Hall of the College of the City of New York, 1907/8
Edwin Howland Blashfield
The City of Towers, 1909
Donald Shaw MacLaughlan
Confusion in City - print #49 of 52 in the 1936 Calendar of The Chicago Society of Artists, 1936
John Stenvall
Untitled (Working in City Lot), 1940s
Sidney Grossman
Eastern end of Mount Zion or City of David, from the series "The Chicago Panorama of The Crucifixion", 1893
Henry Hamilton Bennett
View of Part of the City of Paris toward the Close of the XVII Century, 1861
Charles Meryon
A Group of Children, Study for Mural Decoration in the Great Hall of the College of the City of New York, 1907
Edwin Howland Blashfield
Arms Symbolical of the City of Paris, 1854
Charles Meryon
Actions: What You Can Do With the City, 2008
Project Projects
Rebels in Havana: The citizens of La Havana went wild with joy as they Greeted Castro's Revolutionary Army on Their Arrival in the City, Cuba, 1959
Burt Glinn
The City Flourishing, Tanabata Festival (Shichu han'ei Tanabata Matsuri), No.73 from the series "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)", 1857
Utagawa Hiroshige
A City of Ancient Greece and the Return of a Victorious, 1863
C. Scott
John Q. Public, who is interested in seeing that his neighbors get a square deal from the city government, visits Oscar E. Hewitt, city commissioner of public works, and learns that if materials could be paid for on the cash on delivery basis contractors might not put their bids on public construction so high., 1938, published March 26, 1938
Vaughn Shoemaker
A Group of Men Representing Various Branches of Human Thought, Study for Mural Decoration in the Great Hall of the College of the City of New York, 1907/8
Edwin Howland Blashfield
A City's Highway, n.d.
Earl H. Reed