Cityscape or Still Life with Hoboken and Manhattan, 1975
Catherine F. Murphy
Beauty, Strength and Resilience – We Are Still Here, 2023
Kevin and Valerie Pourier
Underfoot XXVIII, New York, August/September 2000, printed November 6, 2000
Irving Penn
Underfoot XXXII, New York, August/September 2000, printed February 1, 2001
Irving Penn
HB-28-80, 1980
Harry Bowers
HB-5-80, 1980
Harry Bowers
HB-27-80, 1980
Harry Bowers
Untitled, 1992
Yasuhiro Ishimoto
Underfoot XIII, New York, August/September 2000, printed April 3, 2001
Irving Penn
Still Life, Chicago, April 1960
Kenneth Josephson
I'm Still Awake, 2014
Carol Jackson
Underfoot XVII, New York, August/September 2000, printed March 6, 2001
Irving Penn
Koperdraad steeds uit voorraad leverbaar (Cooper wire still deliverable out of stocks), 1930
Piet Zwart
Underfoot XXIII, New York, August/September 2000, printed March 2, 2001
Irving Penn
Underfoot XII, New York, August/September 2000, printed March 5, 2001
Irving Penn
And Shut the Chamber Up, Close, Hush'd and Still, 1885
Will Hicock Low
Untitled (Still life with a statuette of the Venus de Milo), 1852-53
John Beasley Greene
The Still-Birth of Modern Architecture, 1981
Thomas Beeby
The Ox-Elephant, a new and very promising breed. Unfortunately still beyond the financial possibilities of the average citizen.... price: 30'000 francs, plate 5 from L'exposition Des Animaux, 1856
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
In Bercy. “We are doing everything to avoid that the river Seine overflows... and there are still people who are questioning our good intentions,” plate 321 from Actualités, 1856